
Authentic Porcupine Bezoar: Identification, Risks of Fakes, and Expert Insights

The demand for porcupine bezoar has soared over the years, thanks to its efficacy in treating certain serious illnesses. However, due to its high price and scarcity, many unscrupulous traders have flooded the market with fake porcupine bezoars, preying on desperate consumers. These fake porcupine bezoars are made from synthetic materials and are harmful to human body. According to a news article, nearly 80% of porcupine bezoars sold in the market are fake porcupine bezoars.

There are still no official methods in differentiating the fake porcupine bezoars from the real ones, but many medical and pharmaceutical experts are already starting to educate the public on how to identify a fake porcupine bezoar. One of them is Dr. Tan Chu San, a professor of Pharmacology from Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), who has been advocating for the authentication of porcupine bezoar and has written a journal on porcupine bezoar.  

Journal: (PDF) A traditional folk medicine in Malaysia: porcupine bezoar (researchgate.net)

News: 纯箭猪枣不多见‧鉴定真假成重要工作 – 地方 – 大北马 – 看点头条 | 星洲网 Sin Chew Daily

Dr. Victor Ooi, BezLife’s founder and a Ph.D holder in traditional and complimentary medicine from Universiti Malaya (UM), is also at the forefront on the advocacy for authentic porcupine bezoars. He has conducted multiple workshops with the public to educate them on the danger of fake porcupine bezoars, and have published a book on porcupine bezoar entitled “The Revered Book of Porcupine Bezoar” (ISBN 978-629-97771-0-6). In order to educate the public on how to differentiate the real porcupine bezoars from the fake ones, he has also uploaded many images and videos of real porcupine bezoars in YouTube for public viewing online.

Workshops conducted: BezLife | Resources | Events – BezLife | The Porcupine Bezoar Wellness Company

Videos of real and wild porcupine bezoars: Videos of Wild Porcupine Bezoars

Videos of real and farm porcupine bezoars: Videos of Farm Porcupine Bezoars

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